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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Quick Dry Nails

How many of us have painted our finger nails thought they were dry and then used our hand and totally ruined the polish?? I like to paint my nails but I have having to find that moment where I am going to be doing nothing for half hour so that I can wait for them to dry.  Even after they are "dry" I am still nervous that I am going to ruin them.  Well I have seen this all over Pinterest and now I am going to try it.  Dunking your hands in ice cold water right after you paint your nails. If you leave them in for 3 minutes the nails are supposed to be dry.  I am pretty skeptical but lets check it out...

OKAY so there is NO WAY I could have kept my hand in that water for 3 minutes. My fingers were burning from pain! Way to cold. I made it about 1 minute.  I pulled my hand out and low and behold my nails were not dry.  They were not totally wet but for sure smudge-able.  Here is a picture.

I think that it could work if you left your hand in for the full 3 minutes.  But seriously I do not know how or why you would endure that pain just to dry your nails. I am giving this a C grade.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

halloween ghosts!

With halloween being in a couple of weeks I decided to do a  DIY ghost off of pinterest.  These were SO EASY and get a definate A.  It is funny because I have yet to give something a bad review off of pinterest! So far so good! So I forgot to take pictures of each step, so this will just be a final product picture but I will tell you what I did.

1. bought stiragoam manican heads from the local thrift store.  You could also use just a roud stirafoam ball from the craft store .They are like $2.00.

2. Bought a wooden dowl also from the craft store.  You could use a stirdy stick to and that would be free.

3. Got some white Sheets.

4. Stuck the dowl in the stirafoam head, so you  have a ball on a stick basically.

5. Stick that into the ground.

6. drape the white sheet over top and I just used a string to tie around the neck so you had a little outline of a body not just a straight sheet.

7. repeated this 3 times.

8. tied the sheets together so it looks like they are holding hands.